Jun 13, 2022
What will be the next dominant stablecoin in Cosmos & the interchain after the Terra/ $UST drama? There are some upcoming candidates like $IST from Agoric or $CMST from Comdex - but also existing solutions like the e-Money stablecoins such as $EEURO or $ECHF. So, which of them will take the lead? And besides, how will these stablecoins work and peg to the USD/ Euro. This is what host Juri Maibaum discusses with Dean Tribble from Agoric, Siddarth Patil from Comdex, and Henrik Aasted Sørensen from e-Money.
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CHECK OUT AGORIC: https://agoric.com/
CHECK OUT COMDEX: https://comdex.one/
CHECK OUT e-MONEY: https://e-money.com/
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FOLLOW JURI: https://twitter.com/jurimaibaum
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All information presented in this podcast is meant for informational purposes only and should not be treated as financial, legal, or tax advice. This podcast’s content solely reflects the opinion of the producer, who is not a financial advisor. Investing in cryptocurrencies is risky!